Recruitment Agency For Romania

Manpower Recruitment for Romania from India and Nepal - A Comprehensive Solution for Skilled and Unskilled Workers


Welcome HBS Consultancy  ,A leading Romania recruitment agency, dedicated to connecting Romanian employers with skilled and unskilled workers from India and Nepal. With a proven track record and a commitment to excellence, we offer a wide range of Romanian recruitment solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in Romania. Whether you require highly skilled professionals or reliable unskilled workers, our agency is your one-stop destination for finding the right talent to drive your organization's success.

Why Choose workforce  from India and Nepal from a Romania Recruitment Agency?

  1. Vast Talent Pool: India and Nepal boast a vast and diverse pool of talent across various industries. From IT experts, engineers, doctors, and educators to laborers, construction workers, and domestic staff, our agency can provide you with the manpower you need for any sector.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring skilled and unskilled workers from India and Nepal can offer significant cost advantages. You can access quality talent at competitive salaries, making it an economically sound decision for your business.

  3. Versatility and Adaptability: Candidates from India and Nepal are known for their adaptability and willingness to learn. Whether it's a highly technical role or manual labor, these workers can quickly adjust to the demands of the job, making them valuable assets for your organization.

  4. Language Proficiency: Many candidates from India and Nepal are proficient in English, which is widely used in Romania's business environment. Effective communication ensures smooth operations and seamless integration within your workforce.

  5. Strong Work Ethic: Both Indian and Nepalese workers are recognized for their strong work ethic and commitment to their roles. They bring a sense of dedication and responsibility that can positively impact your organization's productivity.

Our Recruitment Process

  1. Identifying Requirements: Our process begins with a detailed consultation to understand your manpower requirements. Whether you need skilled professionals with specific qualifications or unskilled workers for particular tasks, we tailor our approach to suit your needs.

  2. Extensive Talent Search: Leveraging our extensive network and partnerships in India and Nepal, we conduct a comprehensive search to identify potential candidates. Our team evaluates candidates based on their skills, experience, qualifications, and cultural compatibility.

  3. Skill Assessment and Testing: For skilled workers, we conduct rigorous skill assessments and technical tests to ensure their suitability for your organization. Likewise, for unskilled workers, we verify their capabilities and conduct practical tests to validate their proficiency.

  4. Documentation and Visa Assistance: Our agency provides complete support in handling visa processing and necessary documentation for selected candidates, streamlining the administrative process for both employers and workers.

  5. Orientation and Onboarding: We recognize the importance of a smooth transition for recruited workers. Our agency assists in orienting and onboarding candidates, helping them adapt to their new work environment and ensuring their maximum productivity from day one.

Our Commitment to Quality

  1. Compliance and Ethics: We uphold strict ethical standards in our recruitment practices, ensuring fair treatment and equal opportunities for all candidates.

  2. Transparency: Throughout the recruitment process, we maintain open and transparent communication with both employers and candidates, providing regular updates and status reports.

  3. Post-Recruitment Support: Our assistance doesn't end with the recruitment process. We continue to support employers and workers after placement, addressing any concerns and fostering a successful working relationship.


“Working with this romania recruitment agency was a game-changer for our construction company. They provided us with a skilled workforce from India that has significantly boosted our productivity and quality of work.” - John Smith, Construction Company Owner

“I am grateful to the team at this romania recruitment agency for helping me secure a job in Romania. They guided me through the entire process and ensured a smooth transition. I am now happily settled in my new role as an IT professional.” - Pankaj Sharma, Placed Candidate

Contact Us

Reach out to our dedicated team today and discover how our comprehensive recruitment solutions can meet your manpower needs. Whether you require skilled professionals or unskilled workers, we are here to facilitate your organization's growth and success in Romania.

Industries we hire for

  • Oil and Gas Recruitment
  • Factory Worker Recruitment
  • WareHouse Worker Recruitment
  • EPC Recruitment
  • Hotel and Catering Recruitment
  • Steel Plant Recruitment
  • Infrastructure, Civil and Road Construction Recruitment
  • Aluminum and Glass Industries Recruitment
  • Dairy Farm Recruitment
  • Agricultural Recruitment
  • Security Service Recruitment
  • Plastic and Fiber Plant Recruitment
  • Cement Plant Recruitment
  • Cruise Liner Recruitment
  • Marine and Offshore Drilling Recruitment
  • Marine and Shipyard Recruitment
  • Retail Departmental Recruitment
  • Medical and Healthcare Recruitment
  • Nursing Recruitment
  • Restaurant Recruitment
  • Hospitality Recruitment
  • Factory and Manufacturing Recruitment
  • IT and Telecom Recruitment
  • Finance and Banking Recruitment
  • Petrochemical and Refinery Recruitment
  • Airport Facilities and Maintenance Recruitment
  • Railway and Metro Recruitment
  • IT Staffing Recruitment
  • Power Plant Recruitment
  • Logistics and Transportation Recruitment
  • Chemicals and Pharmacy Recruitment
  • Beauty Industry Recruitment

As a  Romania Recruitment Agency , we take pride in being the preferred choice for businesses seeking skilled and unskilled workers from India and Nepal for various sectors in Romania. Our commitment to excellence, adherence to ethical practices, and personalized approach ensure that you find the right talent to complement your organization's requirements. Let us handle your recruitment needs while you focus on achieving your business objectives with a skilled and motivated workforce.

nlock the power of global talent with HBS Consultancy. We specialize in sourcing top-tier professionals from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and more, connecting them with exciting opportunities in Romania. Let us streamline your recruitment process and help you discover the perfect fit for your team. Get in touch today!

Employer Candidate Associate